Toasties are an absolute lunchtime staple – super easy to make and one for the kids to enjoy as well!
ciabatta bun (or your choice of bread)
1 medium tomato
1 ball of mozzarella
a handful of grated cheddar cheese
salted butter
olive oil
– Slice your buns in half and generously spread the pesto.
– Chop the tomato into thin slices and place on top of the pesto.
– Chop the mozzarella into thin slices and place on top of the tomato, along with a small handful of grated cheddar cheese.
– Spread some butter on the other slice of bread and place it on top of the cheese.
– Add 2 tbsp olive oil to a hot pan. Put the sandwich in the pan and press it down either with your spatula or something to weigh it down. Cook until golden on one side and then flip over and press it down.
– Cook until both sides are golden.
Let it cool for 2 minutes and then it’s time to tuck in!